
Crossing the Chasm between Christianity and Judaism

What is Crossing the Chasm? It is a ministry of reconciliation. We seek Reconciliation between Christians and the Jewish people. We believe that this can only be done through repentance, a change of actions, which includes a change in our thinking. A change in our theology. Since we as Christians have been the offenders of many atrocities throughout history, it is up to us to initiate the healing of the schism and Cross the Chasm. As we journey across the chasm, I believe it will ultimately lead to a Rediscovery of the faith as taught in the scriptures, a Resurrecting  of the Jewish Jesus, and a Restoring of the Hebrew of Hebrews the Apostle Paul. If you are interested in having a conversation and learning more about the vision of Crossing the Chasm or joining us on this mission please reach out.